Australialainen stunttimies Bradley James Allan on kuollut 48-vuotiaana. Allan oli ainut valkoihoinen Jackie Chanin stunttitiimin jäsen, näyttelijä, stunttimies sekä stunttikoordinoija.
Allan toimi Marvelin tulevan Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Ringsin stunttikoordinoijana sekä second unit -ohjaajana.
Allanin töihin kuuluivat myös muun muassa Solo: A Star Wars Story, Wonder Woman, Riddickin aikakirjat, Gorheous, Hellboy 2: Kultainen armeija, Rush Hour 2, Ninja Assassin, Avatar, Kick-Ass, Pacific Rim ja lukemattomat muut blockbuster-elokuvat.
Allan tapasi Chanin vuonna 1997 Mr. Nice Guy -elokuvan kuvauksissa. Taistelulajimestareista tuli tämän jälkeen erottamattomat kaverukset.
Lepää rauhassa, Brad.
First I saw him was Gorgeous.
— james (@sonofblaine) August 7, 2021
I’m devastated that the great Brad Allan has left us far too young. He was simply one of the best action directors & designers out there. I was lucky enough to work with him twice (on Scott Pilgrim & The World’s End), and call him a friend. I have more to say about this genius…
— edgarwright (@edgarwright) August 7, 2021
Brad Allan’s action design work was legendary, what a loss. So many incredible fight scenes, but The Beehive brawl in The World’s End has always been one of my favourites – a major factor in why it’s secretly my favourite Cornetto Trilogy film. Raise a glass 🍻👊🏻🐝
— Ben Travis (@BenSTravis) August 7, 2021
A sad RIP to the super-talented Brad Allan. We brought him on on @edgarwright’s recommendation as the stunt coordinator on SOLO. He was a creative master of fight choreography — helped us design Han and Chewie’s fight in the pit and the Enfys Nest train fight and so much more.
— Christopher Miller (@chrizmillr) August 7, 2021
This is devastating. Brad Allan is easily one of the all time greats.
— Freddie Wong (@fwong) August 7, 2021
Brad Allan, one of my biggest idols has passed away. So grateful to have had the chance to meet, work and learn with/from you. Your spirit will live on in our hearts. As he used to say, Jackie Chan Stunt Team FOREVER!
✊— Max Huang (@themaxhuang) August 7, 2021