Zachary Leville tapahtui pieni burnout-henkinen purkaus, kun Shazam! Fury of the Gods floppasi pahasti elokuvateattereissa. Hän syytti useita erinäisiä mitä tahoja elokuvan surkeasta lippukassatuloksesta.
Nyt ihmiset sanovat Levin olevan Chris Pratt.
Prattiahan on syytetty homofobisuudesta, koska hän kuuluu Hillsong Church -kirkkoon, jolla väitetään olevan homovastaisia lausuntoja.
Aiemmin tänä vuonna Levi julkaisi rokotevastaisen twiitin, ja nyt hänet on bongattu tykkäämästä Gays Against Groomers -twitter-tilistä.
Twitter-tili on esittelynsä mukaan homo-organisaatio, joka vastustaa lasten seksualisointia, indoktrinaatiota sekä lääketieteellisiä hoitoja, jotka perustellaan LGBTQIA+ -leimalla.
Alla twiittejä.
Zachary Levi turned out to be the guy everyone thought Chris Pratt was.
— Bob Chipman ✊️ WGA Solidarity (@the_moviebob) June 8, 2023
Zachary Levi is the guy everyone thinks Chris Pratt is
— Calvin (@spooky_mando) June 8, 2023
That's not to say Chris Pratt ISN'T who we thought he is, but to any moot who is following Zachary Levi, I'd advise you to not. And this also ensured I will NEVER watch the Shazam movies, because fuck this guy.
— Persephone Silver (she/her) (@PSPersephone) June 9, 2023
can't stop thinking about that one tweet that said zachary levi is actually the nasty PoS that we think chris pratt is… chris is terrible too don't get me wrong, but this old f@rt here has been doing this shit & being the most cringe l0ser @$slicker in hollywood for a while now
— adi | 🏳️🌈 (@folieadieux) June 9, 2023
I would say I'm shocked but I'm not, Zachary Levi is a terrible person and I even felt pity for him in the past during his unhinged tiktok rants but… This is just disgusting.
Sigh… #TransRightsAreHumanRights 🏳️⚧️
— 𝒮𝘢𝘮𝘮𝘪𝘦 🏳️⚧️ | ꜱɴʏᴅᴇʀQᴜᴇᴇɴ (@SnyderQueen_) June 8, 2023
Zachary Levi is now fully dead to me and he was already on life support. Disney should never hire him again.
— Benjamin Siemon (@BenjaminJS) June 8, 2023
Well Zachary Levi turned out to be the one … then again Dc still employs Ezra Miller
— Darren (@dizsaidwhat) June 8, 2023
Zachary Levi is following @GaysAgainstGr15 which is literally gays against PEDOPHELIA.
And the left is calling him a bigot for it.
Let that sink in.
— Mike S. Miller. Istaphobe (@MikeSMillerArt) June 8, 2023
Zachary Levi following a hate group twitter account that calls all LGBTQIA+ people pedophiles? There's a reason Shazam tanked and The Little Mermaid didn't- and it's you love- 😂
— Finn West / BeamToaster (he / him) (@BeamToaster) June 9, 2023
Hey Zach, why are you following an account run by a white supremacist who calls all LGBT people pedophiles?
— TakedownMRAs (@TakedownMRAs) June 8, 2023
Should we be really shocked that Zachary Levi is following a right-wing hate group pushing anti-LGBTQ+ propaganda aimed at kids/schools?
— Christopher Marc (@_ChristopherM) June 9, 2023
Obviously fuck Zachary Levi and this hate account but the idea that gay people abuse children at a higher rate than straight people is just factually untrue and inherently homophobic, grooming is a problem but if you think it’s an LGBTQ problem, you’re a bigot. Simple stuff.
— Night of the It's Giving Dead (@LifesNotFoehr) June 8, 2023
Waiting for the three-minute TikTok from Zachary Levi where he's explaining his life choices again in a voice that's a little TOO fast.
— Coleman (@TheGreenCooler) June 9, 2023