Joyce Carol Oatesin samannimiseen kirjaan perustuva Blonde on kertomus kaikkien aikojen seksipommista, Marilyn Monroesta. Korkean NC-17-ikärajan saaneen Netflix-leffna on ohjannut Andrew Dominik ja sen pääosassa nähdään Ana de Armas.
Elokuva aiheutti jo etukäteen jos jonkinmoisia kohuja, koska elokuva sisältää niin paljon alastomuutta.
Ihmiset kuitenkin suuttuivat julkaisun jälkeen, koska heidän mielestään elokuva antaa aivan vääränlaisen kuvan Marilyn Monroesta.
Elokuva on provokatiivinen ja kaunistelematon tarina Monroen elämästä. Kriitikot ovat kutsuneet Dominikin ja De Armasin versiota Monroesta uhriksi. Kriitikoiden mukaan Dominik ei ole ymmärtänyt Monroen hahmoa, vaan lähestulkoon hyväksikäyttää ikonista hahmoa.
Ihmiset tuntuvat vihaavan elokuvaa.
Alla twiittejä ja traileri.
#BlondeNetflix is the most disgusting, misogynistic, anti-choice piece of trash film I’ve ever seen. Wow. Just wow. @netflix
— Steve Howe (@ho97824871) October 1, 2022
Oh wow. Blonde may sincerely be one of the most detestable movies I've ever seen. A self-indulgent act of cruelty by a deeply incurious filmmaker.
— unfriendly black hottie 🪩✨ (@battymamzelle) September 28, 2022
#BlondeNetflix has to be one of the most disrespectful, distasteful, fabricated biopics I’ve ever seen. Marilyn was not weak she stood up for Civil rights , women’s rights to equal pay , she never wanted to be treated as a joke or sex object… they did all of the above
— ♫ Mariah Stan 🦋 (@TheElusiveLamb) September 29, 2022
It was written by a female.
— @PrincessMcLeia (@princessmcleia) September 29, 2022
Marilyn Monroe was by no means a victim. She was a champion for civil rights in the 1950s. She walked off a set when a male actor was paid more than her. She named her abusers in Hollywood. She created an icon that will forever be a part of our cultural history. #BlondeNetflix
— Jasmina Lilic (@jasminalilic) September 28, 2022
#BlondeNetflix is distasteful. Even if it is a fictionalized story, there can be some care put towards the film. There is this emotional detachment from Marilyn Monroe that makes this such a dark and graphic film. It’s actually disturbing how exploitative this is.
— manda 🔪 (@amxndareviews) September 21, 2022
I can believe some are calling to cancel Ana De Armas because they disagree with the movie’s take on Marilyn Monroe’s life and with it being disrespectful to her memory. It’s getting ridiculous #BlondeNetflix #Blonde
— Legally Pam (@legally_pam) October 1, 2022
The new Marilyn Monroe movie is fucking garbage. We all know she had a shit life. Making a movie for incels to jerk off to is pathetic. Acting is next level bad, writing, was even worse. #BlondeNetflix #blonde #marilynmonroe
— Canadian Pirate (@mynewsonly1) October 1, 2022
#BlondeNetflix the movie shows what really was going on in her life but ppl still in denial and rejection
— Eman (@o__eman) October 1, 2022